Sunday 22 February 2009

Week 7 – Milestones

It has been a quiet week. Monday and Wednesday were pretty chilled out sessions. Tuesday’s gym session with Soggy was really tough and Friday’s pitch session was even worse. Soggy and Mutaks said it was the last week of hard work. Next week will be light. I look at my team mates and cannot believe how far we have all come. Milestones were reached, the most obvious being making the team, then others such as Joan finally weighing over 50kgs and me growing my hair (no I do not have curls, I have gone for dreadlocks), Justine getting used to a mouthguard/gumshield and so on. This has been one long flight and I cannot wait for it to land.


Anonymous said...

Happy to hear that all is well.All the best in camp by the way. You deserve the best Lady Cranes.
Cap.Helen(I like the sound of it..and R.Kakaire-PLEASE SAIL THE TEAM TO DUBAI AND BACK WITH THE CUP).Lets go Ug Rugby Lady Cranes-(dont worry; that is my name for you as has always been). I dont believe in "lady cranes" it is UG RUGBY LADY CRANES.


Anonymous said...

I really hope that the Ugandan community stops praising men in the sports avenue and turns to women or at least both. WHAT IS GOV'T DOING??? Okay at least 28million is something but is it there? or is it byoya byenswa????