Tuesday, 27 January 2009


Justine Bayigga: When Helen sent me the message about the draws I lost all my mental focus. I left home straight away and went to Kyadondo and found Rose there. We sat in the changing room waiting for other girls to come for training. I do not know much about rugby but those countries sounded scary. I could not concentrate during training and failed to run: the coaches thought I was sick. The good thing is that I was not alone. My team mates were in the same boat.

Rosenburg Kanyunyuzi (in picture): on Monday 19th 2009, I stayed at home the whole day. I did not go to the gym in the morning. I wanted to give my body a rest so I did what I love doing best … sleeping. I was listening to music when I my mobile phone beeped to indicate that I had received a text message. For some reason I was reluctant to read it although I did not know the contents of the message. After a couple of minutes I checked the message and it read ‘World Cup draw group d New Zealand, South Africa, Italy, Uganda.’ I fell out of my bed as I swore all the known swear words plus invented some of my own. My stomach went crazy and I hopped about my bedroom not sure what I was feeling then rushed to the toilet and stayed there for about half an hour. After that I went for training. I did not even have lunch. I was about 2 hours early for training but I could not stay in the house. I thought I was going to go mad.


Anonymous said...

No point being freaked out by the opponents or the occasion!! Keep working hard and just go out and play your best. Keep your focus and play w/ joy!!

I'm a US fan but will be cheering for Uganda too. It's just awesome that you've posted this blog and are so honest about your emotions and thoughts :)

Anonymous said...

It's so cool that you've posted this blog w/ all your honesty and emotion. I'm a US fan but will be cheering for Uganda too!!

Don't be freaked out by the occasion. Even the biggest match is still a game. Go out, keep your focus, play your best, play w/ Joy and not w/ Fear.

Good Luck!!!

ladycranesevens said...

thanks anon,

so glad to hear that you will be rooting for us too. our nerves have settled and we are ready to take on the world (as well as new zealand, south africa and italy).

thanks for the support.


dbrag said...

Go Cranes!!!! You can play with anyone.

-Deb (Brown U. '06)

ladycranesevens said...

thanks a lot deb. the girls who played brown uni in 2006 were especially thrilled to hear from you but the whole team appreciates your support.

